5 Best Lower Body Unilateral Exercises for Building Better Glutes 

Strengthen your glutes and lower body with these lower body unilateral exercises that will help you lift more weight whilst building muscle.

If you’re looking to build stronger glutes and add variety to your workout, consider including single-leg exercise movements in your routines.

Most strength training programs are primarily based on bilateral exercises, such as squat, hip thrust. Those exercises involve performing the movement with both legs at the same time, and they allow you to work with higher loads and progressively increase the intensity.

However, lower body unilateral exercises should be an important part of your training program, as they are a great complement to the regular exercises due to the different benefits they can provide.

One of your leg is generally weaker than the other one, it means that one leg will have to do extra work to execute any movement correctly. Over time, this can lead to overtraining injuries or muscle imbalances.

Don’t believe it? Try these unilateral exercises to build strong and sculpted glutes.

1. Reverse Lunge

One of the best lower body unilateral exercises that will work your glutes deeply.

Start with your feet hip-width apart. Move one leg in line backwards, bend until the knee almost touches the floor. You must make sure that with the opposite leg (the one in front) you create an angle of more than 90º. With this tip, you will be able to pull the gluteus muscle and not the quadriceps when returning to the initial position.

If you want to add more intensity you can perform this movement with a deficit or add some weight using a bar in back squat position or a kettlebell.

2. Bulgarian Split Squat

One of the most performed lower body unilateral exercises for strengthening quads and glutes, but it also has the added benefits of being amazing for core strength and balance improvement.

To perform it, place one foot on a bench that is just above knee height with your toes pointed to the ground. For the starting position place the knee of the back leg flat on the floor with the front knee bent. The back knee should be positioned under your hip and your front ankle should be under your front knee or slightly behind it (this may vary depending on your mobility, but is a good starting point).

Once you have positioned your legs correctly lift up to standing position.  Before returning to the floor, contract your abs and try to keep your knee in line with your toes. Tip: lean your chest slightly forward to keep your back from overextending.

3. Single Leg Deadlift

The one-legged deadlift is a lower body unilateral exercise that allows us to efficiently work the entire posterior leg chain, especially your glutes. Single leg deadlift provides significant posterior chain benefit while challenging the balance and stability of your core.

The single-leg deadlift is already one of the most commonly used lower body unilateral exercises, often done with the load in one hand, on the side most comfortable for the lifter. The hip joint is where you move from, rotating it backwards as you lower your torso, keeping the back straight and chest upright.

Generally, the non-working, trailing leg is kept straight and the goal is to keep it aligned with your torso.

4. Single-Leg Hip Thrust

The hip thrust has become a favorite lower body unilateral exercises in glutes training routines.

Without question, the conventional hip thrust with a barbell and a good load is an excellent choice of exercise. But we can perform many variations of it depending on our goals.

One of the most used variants of the hip thrust is to perform it unilaterally on one leg.

Sit on the floor, with your scapulas resting on a bench and your knees bent.

With the support of only one leg, we extend the hips aligning the back, gluteus and femoral, forming an angle of 90 degrees with that leg and keeping the other leg extended or flexed (without supporting it). At this point, we must contract the buttocks well and hold for a few moments.

Lower the glutes again in a controlled movement to return to the starting position.

Repeat until the total number of repetitions is reached. If you want to add more intensity, you can place a plate or dumbbell on your pelvis.

5. Step Up

One of the basic lower body unilateral exercises consists of a step up to a box or other object of a certain height to work the lower part of our body, especially the muscles that form the gluteus.

To execute this movement you will need a box, step, bench or a chair. Place yourself in front of the equipment that gives you the appropriate height adapted to your physical condition. The legs will be width hip open.Next,  place the first leg on the central surface of the platform used and push upwards to gain momentum and raise both legs.

Once up, lower down to return to the starting position with the same leg you pushed up.

Perform this movement with the other leg alternately as it is about working unilaterally in an equal manner. It is important that before adding load or intensity to this type of exercise, we make sure we master it correctly, as we must take care that our body posture is correct, especially maintaining awareness of the activation of our abdomen to protect our back.

As you can see  focusing on one leg at a time when performing lower body unilateral exercises will not only help you strengthen your lower body, but also help you recognize some of your own strength and stability gaps. This, with well-executed work can translate into bilateral exercises moving greater loads than you’re used to.

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Source link: https://www.boxrox.com/5-best-lower-body-unilateral-exercises-for-building-better-glutes/ by Kasia Wlodarczyk at www.boxrox.com