9 Overrated Exercises Everyone Is Doing (And What You Should Try Instead)

Certain exercises are a staple when it comes to building muscle in the gym. But just because they are traditional, doesn’t mean they’re the best for hypertrophy. Sure, you can build muscle doing them, but sometimes an exercise that everyone is doing is simply overrated.

The following article provides alternatives to these exercises that offer better results by focusing on the stretched position or providing superior muscle activation, as explained by Dr Milo Wolf. Let’s dive into why these exercises are considered overrated and what you should do instead to optimise your workouts.

Note: the information for this article is largely based on the extensive knowledge of Dr Milo Wolf and everything he talked about on his YouTube channel in a recent video. All scientific literature is attached at the bottom of the page with links if you want to check that out.

9 Overrated Exercises Everyone Is Doing (And What You Should Try Instead)

Shoulders: Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Why It’s Overrated:

The traditional dumbbell lateral raise doesn’t provide a full stretch on the side deltoids because the resistance drops when your arms are at the bottom of the movement. The peak resistance occurs when the deltoids are already relatively shortened, which isn’t ideal for promoting maximum muscle growth.

Try This Instead:

Cable Lateral Raise: Set the cable at hand height and ensure your forearm forms a 90° angle with the cable at the start. This setup increases resistance during the stretch phase of the movement, which is crucial for muscle growth. Another option is the lying dumbbell side raise, which also emphasises the stretch.

Biceps: Incline Curl

Why It’s Overrated:

While incline curls stretch the biceps more than standing curls, research shows that this extra stretch doesn’t always lead to greater muscle growth. The incline curl’s resistance is greatest when the biceps are shortened, which is less than ideal.

Try This Instead:

Dumbbell Preacher Curl: Research suggests the preacher curl is more effective for muscle growth due to its superior resistance profile. Alternatively, focus on doing partials on the incline curl to concentrate more on the stretch phase of the movement.

Biceps: Spider Curl

Why It’s Overrated:

This exercise has the same unfavourable resistance curve and the incline curl, and also shortens the biceps at the shoulder, just like the preacher curl. “Double whammy of probably not the best exercise.”

Try This Instead:

Instead of doing spider curls, again, go for the preacher curl or a bench cable curl is going to grow more muscle, according to Milo Wolf, since these exercises focus more on the stretched part of the muscle.

Triceps: Cable Pushdown

Why It’s Overrated:

Despite its popularity, the cable pushdown is one of the worst tricep isolation exercises, especially for targeting the long head of the triceps. The pushdown shortens the long head, which reduces muscle growth potential.

Try This Instead:

Cable Overhead Extension: Studies show that overhead extensions lead to significantly more tricep growth, especially in the long head, due to the increased stretch and engagement. Another good alternative is the Skull Crusher, which also better targets the triceps compared to the pushdown.

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Why It’s Overrated:

The expander tool is great for those with limited space but provides poor muscle-building potential because it places too much resistance in the shortened position and not enough in the stretched position.

Try This Instead:

Opt for free weights, cables, or machines for better upper back growth. These tools offer more consistent resistance through a full range of motion, leading to greater muscle activation and growth.

Lower Body: Deadlift

Why It’s Overrated:

The deadlift is effective but not optimal for muscle growth because it doesn’t fully stretch the hamstrings or glutes, and it is extremely fatiguing compared to the stimulus it provides.

Are Deadlifts Good For HypertrophySource: elizabeth flood | BOXROX Photo Comp 2022

Try This Instead:

Romanian Deadlift or Good Morning: Both exercises stretch the hamstrings and glutes more effectively than traditional deadlifts, leading to better muscle growth. For a deeper stretch, try performing them with a slight deficit.

Glutes: Lunge

Why It’s Overrated:

The lunge is unstable and doesn’t allow for a deep stretch in the glutes, quads, or adductors, which limits its muscle-building potential.

Try This Instead:

Split Squats: These offer more stability and allow you to achieve a deeper stretch in your glutes and adductors. If stability is an issue, use straps or hold onto something for support. For even more focus on muscle growth, try the Smith Machine Split Squat.

Quads: Leg Extension

Why It’s Overrated:

The leg extension emphasises the shortened position of the quadriceps and misses out on the stretch at the knee, making it suboptimal for muscle growth.

Try This Instead:

Reverse Nordic Curl or Sissy Squat: These exercises provide a greater stretch on the quads and offer more resistance in the stretch position, leading to better overall growth.

Calves: Seated Calf Raise

Why It’s Overrated:

The seated calf raise doesn’t stretch the gastrocnemius enough because the knees are bent, limiting muscle growth in this area.

Try This Instead:

Standing Calf Raise or Leg Press Calf Raise: These variations target the gastrocnemius more effectively by training it in a more stretched position. For best results, focus on standing calf variations for 80-90% of your calf training.

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In summary, while these exercises are not inherently bad, they are overrated in terms of maximising muscle growth. By swapping them out for the suggested alternatives, you can increase muscle activation, stretch, and ultimately build more muscle in less time.

Muscle Group Overrated Exercise Replacement Exercise
Shoulders Dumbbell Lateral Raise Cable Lateral Raise or Lying Dumbbell Raise
Biceps Incline Curl Preacher Curl or Partials on Incline Curl
Triceps Cable Pushdown Overhead Extension or Skull Crusher
Upper Back Expander Tool Free Weights, Cables, or Machines
Lower Body Deadlift Romanian Deadlift or Good Morning
Glutes Lunge Split Squat or Smith Machine Split Squat
Quads Leg Extension Reverse Nordic Curl or Sissy Squat
Calves Seated Calf Raise Standing or Leg Press Calf Raise


Partial Vs Full Range of Motion Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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Triceps surae muscle hypertrophy is greater after standing versus seated calf-raise training

Exercise Selection Differentially Influences Lower Body Regional Muscle Development

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Source link: https://www.boxrox.com/9-overrated-exercises-everyone-is-doing-and-what-you-should-try-instead/ by Robert Born at www.boxrox.com