Another entry of an exercise scientist critiquing a Hollywood celebrity workout. Today we have Mark Wahlberg’s trainer and his workout.
Who is this exercise scientist? Dr Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t only talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.
This is actually the third time we are covering Israetel and his appraisal of Hollywood workouts. The first two were:
Just so you know, the video from above is not part of the workout his trainer said before. So let’s see what Israetel said about Mark Wahlberg’s Hollywood workout!
Exercise Scientist Enraged by Mark Wahlberg’s Hollywood Workout
Of course, the video begins with a bit of banter from Israetel. When it comes to the workout, there are already a few red flags.
Starting with the workout program Mark Wahlberg’s coach came up with: a two-day split divided into:
- Day A: Pull upper body exercises and push lower body movements
- Day B: push upper body exercises and pull lower body movements
Because of exercise selection, it would be much better to do push exercises for upper and lower body, and another day with pull exercises for upper and lower body.
The first exercise showed, a supine-band overhead hold, is terrible according to Israetel. “This is you laying down with a f*cking band all around your body. It’s a shitty band too, it’s barely any work.”
When it came to breathing techniques, Israetel lost his mind saying it was the pinnacle of crap.
Israetel also had some things to say about the bench press shown in the video – mainly that you need to control the ascend and descend the path of the bar – and also what the coach said about getting the core part of the pushing exercise. “When you do a proper bench press, you retract your shoulders and you actually relax your abs.”
And this was all in the warm-up. And things didn’t get better from that point on.
The first exercise was dupped “classic Hollywood nonsense” by Israetel. The kettlebell deadlift was useless, the farmer’s carry was not good, and many terms that mean nothing (like metabolic work).
In the end, Israetel usually gives a rating between 0 and 10. In this case, he just left because it was terrible advice. So don’t copy this workout at all!
How Many Times a Week Should You Work Out?
So, how many times a week should you work out? As expected the answer is not simply a straight-up number. That is because people are looking for different outcomes when working out and that, alone, can already differ the answer for one person and the other.
The more you train, the more your muscle grows. That is true, to a certain extent. However, there is something called junk volume training in which once you hit a certain point, the more you lift the worse it gets for hypertrophy.
So, in the end, it is all about training volume. If you have time to train 5, 6, or even 7 days a week, you can split your workout into specific muscle groups – chest and back one day, leg another day, and shoulder, arm and abs the next day, take a day off, and repeat. If you can only train three times a week, with a day of rest in between each of them, then train your entire body during every session.
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However, if you can only train once a week, you will still get some results, but they will be far inferior compared to people who train three times per week according to different studies.
In one particular study, participants performed the exact same amount of training. One group did the entire thing in one giant session, while the other group performed the movements divided into three days – the latter group saw an increase in lean body mass by 8% while the 1x a week group gained 1% of lean body mass.
If you go to the gym three times a week, but each day you train only one different specific muscle group, you are actually training each muscle group only once a week, which is less than optimal for muscle growth.
Working out more often, between 4 and 7 times a week, can provide additional benefits in terms of recovery if structured correctly. You can go to the gym every day, as long as you leave 48-72 hours of rest to recover from your last workout. This is where the bro split mentality comes from, where you can focus a training session entirely on one muscle and hit the gym the next day because you are training a different part of your body that is well-rested.
You can also try out different ways to divide your workout. It can be an upper-lower body training routine, bro split, or full-body workout. It depends on how much time you have available, just make sure you are hitting the same muscle group more than once a week to get results faster.
Bro Split, Upper/Lower, Full Body Workout Compared
So, how many times a week should you work out? At least 3, if you want to see faster results. Depends on how much time you have and, from there, you can choose what kind of workout routine best works for you.
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Source link: by Robert Born at