These helpful tips from Jeremy Ethier will teach you how to get a six pack with no equipment.
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment
“You can sculpt a great set of abs using just your bodyweight and a few square feet of floor. I’ll show you how to get a 6 pack with no equipment by first exposing why that “no equipment abs workout” you see (along with countless others) are a waste of and how they can do more harm than good, then we’ll cover the 4 abs exercises we’ll use to hit every area of your six pack you can easily do at home, and finally we’ll wrap it up by showing you how to perform the six pack ab workout for the best results.”
3 Reasons Why This Works
“There are 3 things we’ll do with our home abs workout that will make it far more effective than most bodyweight ab workouts out there.
- First, we’ll hit all 4 regions of your abs.
- Second, we’ll make the exercises more difficult overtime to continuously stimulate growth in your abs.
- Lastly, we’ll choose the proper exercises that’ll target your abs – instead of your hip flexors or lower back.”
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – Exercise 1
“The first exercise we’ll cover is one of the most demanding abs exercises you can do at home, and will target your TVA. We’re going to re-create a no equipment version of the ab rollout. Get onto all fours with your hands under your shoulders and knees under hips. Move into posterior pelvic tilt by rotating your hips and contracting your abs. Pull your belly button into your spine to fully activate your TVA. Then, from here, slowly walk your hands out forward. Go only as far as you can without breaking this form and arching at your lower back, and then walk your hands back. Progress it over time by trying to get your hands further and further out.”
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – Exercise 2
“Now we’ll move onto the next most demanding exercise to target the lower abs in our no equipment abs workout. First, lie on your back with your arms straight by your sides and knees bent to 90 degrees. Initiate posterior pelvic tilt by squeezing your glutes and contracting your abs. Next, don’t think about raising your legs, instead simply curl your pelvis up towards your belly button. Then, on the way back down, avoid arching your lower back. To make it easier, simply tuck your knees in towards your upper body more. As your lower abs strengthen, you can increase the difficulty by straightening your legs out more and more.”
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – Exercise 3
“To target the upper abs in our six pack ab workout, we’ll want to now use what’s known as a “top-down” exercise. First, setup by lying on your back with your knees bent and hands placed behind your head. Place a rolled up t-shirt or towel under your lower back to increase the range of motion your abs go through. Lift the shoulder blades up off the ground by flexing the spine, and then coming back down. Avoid yanking your neck as you come up and avoid using momentum. Take it slow and feel the upper abs working. To progress these as you get stronger, place your arms straight over your head and add weight using a bottle or backpack once that becomes too easy.”
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – Exercise 4
“Finally, for the obliques: our move of choice is a well-known exercise, Russian Twists. Sit on your butt with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Angle your back to about a 45-degree angle. From here, the goal is to touch either side of the ground. Avoid just reaching with your arms and not rotating much at your torso. Instead, let your shoulders dictate your rotation. When you reach to each side, focus on trying to line up your shoulder with your leg. Doing this will force you to rotate your torso and engage your obliques as a result. To progress this move overtime, you can raise your feet off the ground slightly and try to reach further and further out with your arms.”
“Now let’s get into how to get a six pack with this workout. Here’s what you’re going to do:”
- Walkouts: 5-10 reps
- Reverse Crunches: 10-25 reps
- Crunches: 10-25 reps
- Russian Twists: 1 minute
- Repeat x3
“You can do the workout 2-3 times a week, but as you get stronger it’s important that you try to increase your reps overtime while applying the progressions mentioned earlier. This will simulate the effect of adding more weight to help your abs grow and pop more.”
“But keep in mind guys that no matter how hard you train your abs, you’re not going to get the six pack you’re after without a solid diet plan in place.”
Video – How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment
Learn More – How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment
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Muscles of the core
The core muscles are often considered to be some of the most important muscles in the body. When these muscles are strong, it helps you move better, breathe more easily and feel stronger.
When they’re weak or not working together properly, it can lead to back pain and other problems. There are several different types of core muscles that work together to give you stability as well as flexibility and strength throughout your spine.
Transversus abdominis
- It is a deep muscle located in the lower abdomen.
- It is responsible for stabilizing the spine and pelvis by compressing the abdomen. This helps to support heavy loads, such as when lifting heavy items or running upstairs.
- The transversus abdominis also helps with breathing by contracting during exhalation and relaxing during inhalation.
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – Rectus abdominis
The rectus abdominis is a muscle that extends from the sternum to the pubis. It has two parts: the upper aponeurosis and lower tendon. When it contracts, it flexes the spine, pulls the ribcage down, and pulls in and compresses your abdomen.
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – Internal obliques
Internal obliques are located on the side of your torso, running parallel to external obliques. They are involved in side bending and twisting, as well as rotation. Internal obliques also help flexion and extension of the spine, which allows you to bend forward at the waist and make good use of your abs when reaching up high or low.
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – External obliques
The external obliques are muscles on the outside of your body, which help to bend your torso to the side and rotate it. They also assist with lateral flexion—the motion of bending forward at the waist.
They’re a key component in supporting and stabilizing your spine. The external obliques are covered by abdominal fat, which helps provide protection for them during exercise and movement.
How to Get a Six Pack with No Equipment – Erector spinae
The iliocostalis, longissimus and spinalis are three parts of the erector spinae. This muscle is the largest in the body, extending from the sacrum to base of skull and wrapping around it like a corset. Its primary function is extension of the spine but it also helps with lateral flexion and rotation.
Gluteus maximus
It is the largest muscle in the body. The gluteus maximus is a thick, triangular muscle that spans from the back of your pelvis to your upper femur. It works with other muscles to extend and externally rotate your hip joint.
This large muscle is part of a group called the posterior hip muscles, whose main job is to flex, extend and laterally rotate your hips when you stand up from sitting or lying down. This movement helps keep you balanced on one leg when standing still (i.e., walking).
Gluteus medius
The gluteus medius is a muscle in the buttocks that helps stabilize the pelvis and allows you to walk, run, jump and other activities. It also helps with moving one leg out to the side while keeping the other stationary.
Some people find it difficult to fully engage their gluteal muscles. This can be due to tightness in these muscles or poor awareness of how these muscles function during exercise. Be sure you’re engaging your glutes when you lift weights.
Pelvic floor muscles
The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that form a sling in the pelvis. They support the bladder, uterus and bowel. The pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened by doing kegel exercises.
Kegels are done by squeezing and releasing the pelvic floor muscles like you’re trying to stop peeing. You can do kegels anytime, anywhere—you don’t need any equipment or special clothing to do them (although it may be helpful to wear loose-fitting pants if you’re at home). When you’re not sure how to identify your pelvic floor muscles, try this tip: as if you were stopping yourself from passing gas (but without actually passing gas!), squeeze those muscles around your anus as hard as possible. Repeat 10 times at least three times per day until they become stronger!
The Core is a Complex Collection of Several Muscle Groups
The core is a complex collection of several muscle groups that work together to produce movement and support the spine. The core is the center of our body, and it helps us maintain good posture and stability, which allows us to move efficiently throughout life.
The muscles in the abdominal region are essential for everyday activities such as bending over to pick up groceries or lifting your child out of a crib; they also help protect your internal organs from injury during physical activity like running or weight lifting.
In addition to these benefits, strong abdominals can reduce low-back pain because they stabilize your spine when you twist or bend forward. Strengthening this area will also improve sports performance by helping athletes generate power from their hips instead of using only their lower back muscles when performing explosive movements like jumping jacks or squats (which puts excess stress on this vulnerable area).
In conclusion, the core is a complex collection of several muscle groups. It is important that we understand how they work together to support our bodies and keep them healthy.
Use the workout and exercises described above to improve your core and six pack.
Source link: by Robbie Wild Hudson at