The Perfect Workout to Lose Weight

Is there a singular, unequivocal, and flawless workout specifically designed for shedding those extra pounds? If such a workout regimen exists, could it possibly be the one outlined below?

Embarking on the journey of weight loss is often a formidable challenge for individuals, and in such pursuits, garnering every available assistance becomes imperative. Enter Jeff Cavaliere, a seasoned professional in the realm of physical therapy, boasting a commendable three-year stint as the head physical therapist for the New York Mets. Presently, he has transcended into the realm of YouTube stardom, captivating audiences with his no-nonsense approach to disseminating fitness wisdom on his acclaimed ATHLEAN-X YouTube channel.

In his mission to aid those on the weight loss quest, Jeff Cavaliere, the fitness virtuoso, has generously unveiled what he deems to be the epitome of workout routines tailored for weight loss.

However, before delving into the rigors of the prescribed workout, it is imperative to underscore the foundational cornerstone of weight loss: nutrition. The adage holds true that, regardless of the intensity of one’s workout regimen, achieving a caloric deficit is the sine qua non of weight loss.

Furthermore, the quality of calories consumed is not to be dismissed as inconsequential. It is posited that 1,000 calories sourced from ice cream bear a greater detriment to weight loss goals than an equivalent caloric intake derived from a hearty steak. Therefore, a nuanced understanding of one’s macronutrients and adept calculation thereof is paramount.

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Delving into the common psyche associated with weight loss, there exists a prevailing tendency to fixate on cardio exercises while inadvertently sidelining the importance of resistance training. Jeff Cavaliere vehemently

The Perfect Workout to Lose Weight

The Perfect Workout to Lose Weight

Weekly Schedule

The workout is divided into a push, legs, pull, core training plan.

  • Monday – Push 10×10
  • Tuesday – off
  • Wednesday – Legs 10×10
  • Thursday – off
  • Friday – pull 10×10
  • Saturday or Sunday – Core circuit

Leg Day

1. Barbell squats

Lift between 70-80% of your one-rep max. 10 sets of 10 reps.

Rest 1 minute between sets.

2. Dumbbell push-up renegade rows

40 seconds on, 20 seconds of rest.

3. Mountain climbers

30 seconds on, 30 seconds of rest.

Alternate between 2 and 3 for 20 minutes (10 minutes spent on each exercise).

Source: Li Sun on Pexels

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Push Day

1. Barbell bench press

Lift between 70-80% of your one-rep max. 10 sets of 10 reps.

Rest 1 minute between sets.

2. Dumbbell/Kettlebell alternating clean and lunge

40 seconds on, 20 seconds of rest.

3. Jump rope

30 seconds on, 30 seconds of rest.

Alternate between 2 and 3 for 20 minutes (10 minutes spent on each exercise).

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Pull Day

1. Barbell row

Lift between 70-80% of your one-rep max. 10 sets of 10 reps.

Rest 1 minute between sets.

2. Dumbbell/Kettlebell alternating clean and press

40 seconds on, 20 seconds of rest.

3. Dumbbell/Kettlebell swings

30 seconds on, 30 seconds of rest.

Alternate between 2 and 3 for 20 minutes (10 minutes spent on each exercise).

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Core Circuit

The core circuit is designed to last 20 minutes in total. Perform the first exercise, followed by the second and the third, then go back to the first exercise. Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes and take as much time to rest as you need.

1. 3-Way seated knee tucks

10 reps

2. Squat thrusts

10 reps

3. Box jumps

10 reps

Read More: How to Shed Fat and Completely Transform Your Body

Source link: by Robert Born at