Greetings Beloved Soul
Everyone is in such a hurry.
Like the rabbit in Alice In Wonderland. “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date.” We’ve been programmed by modern technology to get it all instantly. Whatever it is.
Lo and behold, I found this in one of my daily readings…
It’s only natural to want a quick fix or an immediate solution to a situation. As one member jokingly puts it, “Grant me patience Lord – and hurray!” My sentiments exactly.
What about you? I know you can relate. Right?
All together now, 1, 2 3…take a deep breath in…and sigh it out.
The #1 technique to slooooow down, is to anchor in your breath. PRN as needed.
I made this Video for you. How the YogaNurse® Model of Care was born…at a sacred moment of death. I can only hope you watch, listen and perhaps receive a gem to hold on to. Click to watch.
Now this ZEN GEM came in last week to our email.
Dear Annette
Thank you for being a source of inspiration ever since we met at Kripalu.
I am 64, just retired from inpatient postoperative nursing due to a retinal injury. What I brought to the hospital where I worked for so many years was the “yoga moment”, or “moment of zen” at the conclusion of each huddle. While the phones and call systems rang and the secretaries yelled at us, my manager gave us a few minutes to either engage in a single asana, brief vinyasa, a meditation, a loving-kindness practice, or the like. That was inspired by my three days with your team!
I’m told that the team rarely practices their “moment” at huddles since I’m moved on.
Wanishi, Stephanie Lombardo RN
Thank you Stephanie for sharing your Moment of Zen. And giving me permission to share in my newsletter. xommmmmmm
Happy Holy Days including Easter Sunday.
May peace & love go with you wherever you go,
Love Annette
And Team YogaNurse
P.S. Consider sharing this newsletter now with a nurse you know.
Get the YogaNurse Essentials with the three part Sacred Remedy here now. It’s our best selling land mark course.
Get powerful curated tips on the art of nurses teaching yoga
In spirit of our upcoming training: YNYTT (Yoganurse Yoga Teacher Training), we are giving away this jam-packed guide full of wonderful curated tips that will help you become a highly effective & highly influential nurse yoga teacher.
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