There’s no place like hOMe
Greetings, my heart greets your heart,
Yep that’s a pic of me and TOTO. A little personal stuff + a Spiritual Story.
I was in LA awhile back visiting a good friend, a singer song writer who lives in a fabulous home in the Hollywood Hills, from my days when I was working as an actor and fashion model.
I haven’t seen her in 32 years!!!
I wanted to go someplace peaceful cuz LA is craaazy!!!
So we went to HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL CEMETERY. There is a point to this.
The Wizard of Oz is a spiritual story, about getting back ‘home.’
That we are ever seeking our bliss, peace etc. outside of ourselves, somewhere “over the rainbow.’ only to discover the rainbow is ever radiating from within. From the inner Wizard.
The main purpose of the YogaNurse movement is to help us to
“Come Home, to our true, self nature. Self realisation. The light of our divinity and our unity, union with the source.” To ease our suffering.
God, Christ consciousness, Buddha nature, the Holy Spirit, our higher power and so on – ALL THE NAMES THAT LEAD TO THE NAMELESS and lead us home sweet home.
Now click your heels together 3 x and repeat, “theres’ no place like Om, there’s no place like Om, there’s no place like Om.” OH hit play!
Truly Our YogaNurse Model of Care Can Help You to Come Home
Thousands of nurses have taken our trainings in person, and/or online. We’ve been established for more than 20 graceful and grateful years.
If you’re not sure where to start, start with YNE – the YogaNurse Essentials. The Foundation with the Three part sacred remedy.
If you’ve already completed the YNE, get back in there, we just did a fabulous refresh with new goodies to help you to come home to yourself.
A recent share from Susan T. who is taking the Essentials all over again.
“A gold mine full of valuable information. Putting to use immediately!”
We can look forward to a growing community of empowered nurses as we’re soon to launch YNYTT- YogaNurse Yoga Teacher Training for Nurses. This program is currently only open once a year. Be sure to open our newsletter in the weeks ahead!
May peace & love go with you wherever you go,
Love Annette
And Team YogaNurse

P.S. Have you contemplated the depth of the Wizard of Oz?
I’d love to hear from you. xooooom

Get powerful curated tips on the art of nurses teaching yoga
In spirit of our upcoming training: YNYTT (Yoganurse Yoga Teacher Training), we are giving away this jam-packed guide full of wonderful curated tips that will help you become a highly effective & highly influential nurse yoga teacher.
Source link: by yoganurse at