Love is all you need…for Beatles lovers everywhere
Greetings to you today,
Yep. I love the Beatles. I actually saw them in person when I was the tender age of 14.
Did your jaw drop. Full disclosure I’m 70 years young as of this writing.
Born in the era of peace and love.
This letter lands in your hands as Mother’s Day + Nurses Week coincide. Whether you are literally a mother who birthed children, or not, I DO know, as a nurse, you are ever a mother to all whom you serve.
Being a mother is hard. Sometimes.
Being a nurse is hard. Sometimes.
It can be more, or less, it’s all relative.
The common thread of gold which binds the heart to the recipient of your care, as mother or nurse, is…
Here is a FREE gift of love I created for you with love!
A quick video based on a viral interview I did for Elephant Journal which I turned into a video.
It’s the #1 secret of success I learned to become a Beloved NURSE yoga teacher, and on how anyone, (that means you, dear reader), can become a more enlightened and evolved soul.
Even if you never teach or even practice yoga, this revelation will serve you for the rest of your life.
It’s guaranteed to work.
HIT PLAY! Watch the video below. Don’t miss out on this one.
Seriously. Then if it moves you, write to me and tell me how it felt for you.
Our Yoganurse team has been working with love non stop for the last three months preparing to launch our once a year, YNYTT- YogaNurse teacher training, exclusively for nurses and nursing students.
Our movement has become UNSTOPPABLE!
Our courses are all about YOU, empowering you to merge your loves of nursing, yoga, spirituality, enlightenment, entrepreneurship into a career and life you love.
And Loves you back. Boom!
Latora Grant Scott, PhD Nurse YNYTT Grad 2021. THE NURSE DOC IS ZEN.
YNYTT is getting ready for take off, only open once a year.
We have curated content, no other traditional yoga teacher training includes, specifically, on injuries and conditions, PTSD, trauma and mental health, and addiction!
This is a massive opportunity for nurses who learn how to integrate medical therapeutic yoga into their nursing practice.
We give you the blueprint, with the HOW TO, safe, teaching protocols, anyone can do.
It’s the biggest growing segment in teaching and coaching in our era. Estimated at $350 Billion, with growth to continue for the next 10 years.
Be sure to open our newsletter in the weeks ahead to get your invitation to register for our event and enrollment.
Happy Mother’s Day & Happy Nurses Week!
Love Annette
And Team YogaNurse
P.S. Share this newsletter with someone who would love some love.
And I’d love to hear from you. xooooom

Get powerful curated tips on the art of nurses teaching yoga
In spirit of our upcoming training: YNYTT (Yoganurse Yoga Teacher Training), we are giving away this jam-packed guide full of wonderful curated tips that will help you become a highly effective & highly influential nurse yoga teacher.
Source link: by yoganurse at