How to Not Suffer Over the Suffering + a GIFT

Meet Alan Watts: An English writer, speaker and self-styled “philosophical entertainer”, known for interpreting and popularizing Indian and Chinese traditions of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu philosophy for a Western audience.

I went to see him in Toronto, Canada, when I was 18 years young in 1969. I wasn’t ready for what he had to say…

Dear one,

I was a sixties baby (boomer) on the path to freedom from suffering.

Already a veteran of suffering, from the personal, private, family war I was brought up with, I was offered a saving grace. My Aunt Emilia. Auntie was a saint. Italian. Old school. St. Frances, St Theresa, St Anthony…

Really she was. She was the instiller of FAITH in my fearful heart.

I kept on seeking the light OR you could say, the light kept on seeking me.

I was given the grace of a mystical revelation once, shortly after 9/11, when the twin towers were blown up. Once you have a WAKE UP CALL, you never fully go back to sleep.

Grace is one of my favorite words. I repeat it often. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound…you know the rest. Hence, my destiny to be here now with you, this YogaNurse newsletter + blog thing, to share in the world, with a mission to improve self care for nurses and to expand consciousness in healthcare.

Suffering. World Wide. Then. Now.

Here’s what Alan taught me (pic below) waaaay back when I was a mere sprite of a hippie girl at the height of the “Be Here Now” Ram Dass movement.

If you are suffering right now or suffering over suffering, I’d like to pay forward the faith I was gifted by my Aunt Emilia, the wisdom of Alan Watts, and my awakenings through suffering.

My Gift To You Dear Nurse

I recorded this compassion audio for you, especially for nurses…fact is, anyone can benefit from it. About 5 minutes…to chill and find the place within, which is ever free of suffering.

Go into the CLOUD. A fluffy, white, comfy cloud. At least for 5 minutes…good place to start. Today, right?


There will always be suffering. It’s how we deal with the suffering. The cards we’re dealt. Bottom line: we can suffer more or suffer less. Make room for grace, clarity, gratitude and generosity of spirit, to helping others who are suffering and disenfranchised.

We’re at a loss to be of any help to anyone, or any cause, if we are a loss in ourselves.

Oh, lemme know if you listened to my made for you compassion audio, and if it served you.

May peace and love go with you wherever you go,

Love Annette & Team YogaNurse


My last newsletter garnered plenty of emails including this delightful one (shoutout to Erin Kelley):

Hi Annette,

Love your reflections on the wizard of Oz. I used similar analogy for salutatorian speech in high school and again for a speech for my fellow nurses when we graduated from nursing… but more that we had to overcome the “lions and tigers and bears” of nursing school in order to finally make it to land of OZ (graduation!).

Thanks for the smile today… literary analogy is so much fun.



If you missed the newsletter, find it here:


If you haven’t taken the newly revamped YogaNurse Essentials. They are essential to easing suffering, for you the nurse and your patients. PLUS it’s a boon for nursing students and aspiring nurses too!

Joyous Pic of early entry YogaNurse leaders, Susan Turnage, Lindsay Duff, (Me, Annette), Dr. Damaris Grossmann, Kerry Churchill. They all started with the YogaNurse Essentials. Then went on to full CYN, Certified YogaNurse®. Amazing grace.

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In spirit of our upcoming training: YNYTT (Yoganurse Yoga Teacher Training), we are giving away this jam-packed guide full of wonderful curated tips that will help you become a highly effective & highly influential nurse yoga teacher.

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