Cut to the chase. I had a biopsy about 10 days ago.
They found a suspicious area in my right breast, from an earlier mammogram and ultrasound. Not a lump, still a small area of unusual tissue.
The expert team from the hospital I worked at for almost 20 years performed the procedure. Then came the waiting game, Easter weekend was coming up and the imaging center, where I was to return to get the results, was taking a well deserved holiday.
Ergo, I had to wait longer than usual. I played out every possible story line, outcome in the back of my mind. OK, in the front of my mind too. Truly, it is my strong faith and hope which kept me going.
At times I felt utter despair, fear and hopelessness.
A week later, at the imaging center, the radiologist walked into the waiting room. I didn’t have to wait more than 30 seconds before he gave me the results. As my heart was beating out of my chest, I heard only one magic word. ‘Benign.” Uh Huh. Hope.
As I am about to turn 71, yes seventy-one, you can imagine it was beyond a great relief, it was a boon from God, the universe and the great spirit. Indeed the Holy Spirit. Buddha. Krishna. All the names of the HP. Higher Power.
I’m still recovering with gratitude. I dodged another bullet so to speak. I still have big plans for this close to the last chapter of my life. No it’s not the end yet, still the larger part of my life journey is behind me, not in front.
A Newsletter of hope!
This Hope Newsletter was motivated by a hope full post from a gifted nurse named Wendy Coulter in a Facebook Nurses group. I read it around the time I was waiting for the results of my biopsy. A God Send.
Wendy wrote about hope. Here’s what she said:
“Hope keeps me motivated. Science supports the healthy cultivation of hope. Our brains respond to our feelings of hope with a flood of “happy” hormones. These chemicals are known to block pain and help to accelerate healing. Some studies have shown that feelings of hope may have a direct effect on health outcomes.
Mental healthcare providers often frame hope as a therapeutic tool and note:
a practitioner’s sense of hope can positively influence hopefulness in their patients and clients.
Here are some suggestions from “hope experts”:
- Small steps work best for long-term success.
- Read inspirational stories of hope.
- Take a moment to pause… take a deep breath… and check-in with your mind and heart.
There are many types of therapeutic mental healthcare that can provide support in nurturing hopefulness. Energy psychology recognizes the role of subtle energy and mind-body practices and offers a growing scientific evidence base.”
Evidence. Research. Beyond what ancient religion and spirituality have told us for ages.
Whenever my body mind spirt has been overwhelmed with fear and hopelessness…It is ever the remembrance of the power of HOPE which has been a pillar of my saving grace.
Hope is your pillar of saving grace too.
The foundation of the YogaNurse Model of Care is infused with these three pillars.
NOW this hope full email from NAIROBI from nurse Mary W, one of our members who took the first YNYTT (Yoga Nurse Yoga Teacher Training for Nurses).
Mary hoped she would find a way, a practice, a new movement which would allow her to embody her search for greater meaning and purpose to make changes within the nursing profession in Africa. Here’s what she wrote in reply to one of my recent newsletters.
“Dear Annette,
Wow! I loved it.
Yoga is personal to me too.
I live in Kenya, I teach yoga in Nairobi, the capital city and also upcountry in a county called Tharaka Nithi.
It hasn’t picked up yet as I would want to but only started teaching actively on June last year.
Thank you for reaching out to me and especially for starting the yoga nursing program.
I just need a way to convince the consultants I work with to teach their clients yoga for various clients. For now am working with a gynaecologist who is allowing me to teach prenatal yoga. My plan is to have yoga for therapeutic reasons demanded for in our country.
I learnt of yoga nursing around 2017 and I knew this was a a job description I would like to be a part of.
Thank you Annette for starting this course, I really appreciate it.
God bless
WOW! Mary is a shining beacon of hope for her community and country!

Me with my friends new puppy, Tau. Puppy love brings hope + healing.
Our Yoga Nurse movement is GLOBAL.
Nurses from all over the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa and beyond have taken our courses online and in person.
Our YNYTT- YogaNurse Yoga Teacher Training for Nurses only open once a year is about to launch in early May!!! Be sure to open our newsletter.
Our YogaNurse courses instill HOPE & HEALING in nurses and the patients they serve.
I have hope that together in unity and community we can uplift our weary souls and the souls of all whom we serve.
May peace & love go with you wherever you go,
Love Annette
And Team YogaNurse
P.S. Got a friend who is feeling hopeless? Share this newsletter with them.
I’d love to hear from you. xooooom

Get powerful curated tips on the art of nurses teaching yoga
In spirit of our upcoming training: YNYTT (Yoganurse Yoga Teacher Training), we are giving away this jam-packed guide full of wonderful curated tips that will help you become a highly effective & highly influential nurse yoga teacher.
Source link: by yoganurse at