Reflections from My Sabbatical + What To Do Now

Hola Beloved Soul,

Yep, it’s been awhile. First, thanks for opening up this blog post.

My sabbatical for my 70th birthday in 2021 is coming full circle. I took plenty of risks, riding a roller coaster of highs and lows. I took a delicious, daring chance and fell into a mature love story, all the while glamping on an obscure island. I learned how to band lobsters, cultivate oysters and enter a local seafood chowder contest. We took second prize!

My old, faithful companions, anxiety and depression came and went, the dance of dark and light.

What didn’t kill me made me wiser.

By the grace of mystical powers, prayers and practices greater than myself, I’m still standing, braver than ever!

In this time of uncertainty, war and tragedies,

This is what I AM certain of:

The power of love vs the love of power.

The war in Ukraine. We suffer with you. We pray, protest, raise awareness and funds for you.

The real war is within ourselves. This is where it all begins.

Make peace not war with everyone in your life now. Get on the phone, send a text, tell ’em you’re sorry. Tell ’em you love ’em. Every one. Make the first move. Even when you feel they should.

Be not afraid of rejection. Be vulnerable.

As the Buddha says, “Life can change in an instant.”

70 years young, aboard the Tortuga with Mr. T. United after 50 years apart.
Destiny. Mature Love in Maine. Lobsters, clams + raising oysters. Oh My!!!

Don’t miss out on Cat Stevens video above.
Get your instant transmission of peace and love.


Here’s what’s coming from Yoganurse in 2022.

First: Learn for yourself first; then learn HOW TO teach our easy, proven Rx in your community. Anyone can do it! We’ve refreshed and relaunched our best-selling introductory course: “The Yoganurse Essentials eCourse”. It’s the first step to becoming a Certified YogaNurse. We teach you the core principles of the yoganurse model of care.


Second: Our exclusive flagship course, YNYTT will soon be reopened for enrollment!

Please whitelist our emails so that you don’t miss what’s coming!

Many have written to us asking about our online program – Yoganurse Yoga Teacher Training (YNYTT).

Our inaugural run was wildly successful. The fabulous feedback from our esteemed first group of 42 nurses is 5 shining stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Only available once per year…DATES TBA.

YNYTT is brimming with curated content you want to learn as a lover of yoga. If you are a yoga teacher or want to be, the training will allow you to safely prescribe therapeutic yoga as an adjunct treatment in your nursing practice.


*** I’ll be turning 71 at the end of May. My neighbor Sherry, a BFF, said to me, “Annette, you’re turning 71derful.” Get it? HA. Seventy wonderful!

70 has been the best year of my life. Here’s to you living your best life. Starting now.

May peace & love go with you wherever you go


Get powerful curated tips on the art of nurses teaching yoga

In spirit of our upcoming training: YNYTT (Yoganurse Yoga Teacher Training), we are giving away this jam-packed guide full of wonderful curated tips that will help you become a highly effective & highly influential nurse yoga teacher.

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