Tapping Into the Intelligence of the Universe
Honoring you today and the Wheel of the Year which attunes you to the cycles and rhythms of life’s sacred flow. There’s a natural cycle of life: it begins, it sustains, it lets go.
Nurses witness the cycle of birth, life in between, death.
The first breath, the period of inhalations and exhalations we call life, and then the last breath.
By attuning to this cycle and learning to align with it, we experience ourselves within the natural flow of which we are a part, and tap into the underlying fabric that connects all life.
When the Sun “Stands Still”
The word “solstice” comes from the Latin word solstitium meaning “the sun stands still.” I’m loving on the imagery of this statement.
On solstice, the sun appears to stand still as it pauses and reverses direction (as seen from earth).
Summer Solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year.
On Summer Solstice, we experience the peak of light. Days begin to get shorter after the Summer Solstice.
Six Ideas for Pausing to Honor This Moment
Use this list as inspiration or choose your own way to connect with nature.
- Adorn your body with colors of the sun: golds, reds, oranges.
- Gather wildflowers.
- Choose a symbol to honor ancestors, whether from your family, or cultural symbols.
- Place a jar or bowl of water in the sun to be energized by the solstice sun. Drink it and gratefully receive the vital energy of the sun. ( I LOVE THIS ONE. I make sun tea. Add your fave tea herbal or caffeinated to a glass jug full of water. Sit it near a sunny window. Then drink at room temp or put into fridge to drink cold.)
- Visualize the light of the sun entering your heart and renewing you.
- Celebrate with a bonfire or torches.

“The winter solstice is calling us home, home to the cycles, to the rhythms of life’s sacred flow. She is calling us deep into the dark cave of our own being, into the deep stillness, where our soul resides. As we breathe into our fears, in that very moment of deepest darkness, the light is reborn and life renews. The cycles are but the flow of life itself, to which our souls are entwined… The winter solstice is the last point in the sacred wheel of the year, where we reach the darkest point and the light is reborn and we move again into the fullness of light. These points remind us that we are part of life and always connected, that even in the darkest moments, there is light.”
Saul David Raye
Speaking of flow and cycles of life, I want to thank all of you who wrote to me to wish me Happy Birthday for the 71st cycle of my extraordinary life. It was a massive surprise!
Shout out to Kady LaLoo my nurse webmaster genie genius for her surprise newsletter take over. If you missed it you can check it out here. Her story is the BEST part.
Honoring the turn in the wheel of the year gives you an opportunity to tune into your connection with the greater whole.
Wishing you the warmest, coolest peaceful solstice of your life.
May love be with you wherever you go,
P.S. If you haven’t enrolled in our best selling foundational course The YogaNurse Essentials, go here now. https://yoganurseacademy.com/the-yoganursing-essentials-training/

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Source link: https://yoganurse.com/six-ways-to-pause-honor-the-summer-solstice/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=six-ways-to-pause-honor-the-summer-solstice by yoganurse at yoganurse.com